Accept payments with
free integration in real time

Benefit from Monetization by transforming cell phones into a digital payment and money transfer tool. Enable easy access to MFS through our Payment Gateway Channel.




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Make instant payments
to your recipients

Numbers supports instant batch disbursements, freeing you from troubles involved.

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Numbers is committed to building a secure, reliable,
and convenient payment environment.

Simple all-in-one
integration process

Enjoy access to global payment solutions through an all-in-one integration. API integration methods is supported

Secure and

Numbers guarantees the safety of all funds due to its security protocols .


Our powerful account management system allows you to view and analyze orders and understand user behavior.


Multi-scenario payment solutions for PCs, tablets, mobile devices, and H5 pages.

Key Features

  • Dashboard: Extensive analysis over the ongoing campaigns with real-time evaluations of revenue and graph forecasting.
  • Optimized Checkout: Simple and quick chatting method with just 3 steps for customers to complete a purchase.
  • Optimized Checkout: Simple and quick chatting method with just 3 steps for customers to complete a purchase.
  • 3000 TPS
  • Transparent Payment: Merchants are settled with agreed amount in full with no hidden charges.

Service Flow